persistence module


An Archive object can be used to marshal a set of uncertain numbers for storage, or restore a set of uncertain numbers from storage.

Python pickle is used for the storage mechanism.


An archive can be pickled and stored in a file, or a string.

Functions for storing and retrieving a pickled archive file are

Functions for storing and retrieving a pickled archive string are

Module contents

class Archive

An Archive object can be used to marshal a set of uncertain numbers for storage, or restore a set of uncertain numbers from storage.


Extract an uncertain number

key - the name of the archived number


Return the number of entries

__setitem__(key, value)

Add an uncertain number to the archive


>>> a = Archive()
>>> x = ureal(1,1)
>>> y = ureal(2,1)
>>> a['x'] = x
>>> a['fred'] = y

Add entries name = uncertain-number to the archive


>>> a = Archive()
>>> x = ureal(1,1)
>>> y = ureal(2,1)
>>> a.add(x=x,fred=y)

Extract one or more uncertain numbers

Parameters:args – names of archived uncertain numbers

If just one name is given, a single uncertain number is returned, otherwise a sequence of uncertain numbers is returned.

# Example:

# >>> x, fred = a.extract('x','fred')
# >>> harry = a.extract('harry')

Return a list of name -to- uncertain-number pairs


Return an iterator of name -to- uncertain-number pairs


Return an iterator for names


Return an iterator for uncertain numbers


Return a list of names


Return a list of uncertain numbers


Load an archive from a file

Parameters:file – a file object opened in binary read mode (with ‘rb’)

Several archives can be extracted from one file by repeatedly calling this function.

dump(file, ar)

Save an archive in a file

  • file – a file object opened in binary write mode (with ‘wb’)
  • ar – an Archive object

Several archives can be saved in a file by repeated use of this function.

dumps(ar, protocol=4)

Return a string representation of the archive

  • ar – an Archive object
  • protocol – encoding type

Possible values for protocol are described in the Python documentation for the ‘pickle’ module.

protocol=0 creates an ASCII string, but note that many (special) linefeed characters are embedded.


Return an archive object restored from a string representation

Parameters:s – a string created by dumps()