The persistence module


An Archive is used to create a record of uncertain numbers for storage.

Python pickle is used for the storage mechanism. An archive can be pickled and stored in a file, or a string.


Functions for storing and retrieving pickled archive files are

Functions for storing and retrieving pickled archive strings are

Module contents

class Archive

An Archive helps to store and retrieve uncertain numbers, so that they can be used in later calculations.

A particular Archive object can either be used to prepare a record of uncertain numbers for storage, or to retrieve a stored record.


Add entries to an archive.

Each entry is given a name that identifies it within the archive.


>>> a = pr.Archive()
>>> x = ureal(1,1)
>>> y = ureal(2,1)
>>> a.add(x=x,fred=y)

Here f is a file stream opened in mode ‘wb’:

>>> pr.dump(f, a)
>>> f.close()

Extract uncertain numbers by name

Parameters:args – names of uncertain numbers stored in the archive

If just one name is provided, a single uncertain number is returned. Otherwise a sequence of uncertain numbers is returned.


Continuing the example in add(), but in a different Python session, f is now a file stream opened in ‘rb’ mode:

>>> a = pr.load(f)
>>> f.close()
>>> a.extract('fred')
>>> x, fred = a.extract('x','fred')
>>> x

Return a list of name -to- uncertain-number pairs


Return an iterator of name -to- uncertain-number pairs


Return an iterator for names


Return an iterator for uncertain numbers


Return a list of names


Return a list of uncertain numbers


Load an archive from a file

Parameters:file – a file object opened in binary mode (with ‘rb’)

Several archives can be extracted from tha same file by repeatedly calling this function.

dump(file, ar)

Save an archive in a file

  • file – a file object opened in binary mode (with ‘wb’)
  • ar – an Archive object

Several archives can be saved in the same file by repeated use of this function.

dumps(ar, protocol=4)

Save an archive pickled in a string

  • ar – an Archive object
  • protocol – encoding type

Possible values for protocol are described in the Python documentation for the ‘pickle’ module.

protocol=0 creates an ASCII string, but note that many (special) linefeed characters are embedded.


Return an archive object from a pickled string

Parameters:s – a string created by dumps()